Hotels, Restaurants & Leisure
Developing Hotels, Public Houses & Restaurants
We have been involved in the development of many hotels, public houses and restaurants. Advice is given at an early stage on landscape assessment issues throughout the planning process, and on to production of detailed hard and soft landscape proposals.
Cedar Court Hotel, Wakefield
The Cedar Court Hotel, Wakefield was completed in 1986 and this view of our maturing planting design was taken in October 2012 – around 26 years later.
Holiday Inn Express
Holiday Inn Express, Oulton on behalf of Bass Taverns – scheme is seen here around 8 years after planting
Grange Farm, Oadby
The Grange Farm, Oadby pub & restaurant. Our design was undertaken on behalf of Bass Taverns (now Mitchells & Butlers) in 1996 and the views show the planting 3 years later.